This workshop is part of the community buildings activities promoted and supported by the Joint Research Unit EPOS-ITALIA. Main goal is of the workshop is to stimulate the interaction and collaboration between leading experts of the Italian scientific community and to promote the discussion on all aspects related to earthquake hazard analysis.
The event is structured in 6 thematic sessions (a.k.a. working groups) of about two hours each. During each session, people can openly contribute portraying the state of the art, discussing existing and under development methodological approaches, sharing data, opinions, concerns and future perspective.
Coordinator: OGS
Partner: Università di Genova
Time and Location
The workshop will take place on December 1-3 2020 and will be delivered as an ONLINE EVENT for remote participation due to the COVID-19 measures enforced by Italian government.
Registration and Access
Access to workshop is granted previous user registration. After registration, the user will have full access to online sessions, the discussion forums and the data sharing area.
You can register or login here.
The workshop will be held in Italian.